Czech Language Courses
The Czech language is challenging and you can have several opportunities to discover this language and get to know it more closely. Look through the courses below and choose the one that best matches your learning style and preferences.
Survival Czech
Survival Czech (Introduction to the Czech Language)
Survival Czech is taught during Orientation Week – you can participate in it if you buy the Orientation Week package. It is an introductory, play-based course to the Czech language and does not require any level of Czech. Survival Czech takes 6 hours and you will not get any credits (0 ECTS).
- Who can attend: all new international students
- Level: beginners
- When: Wednesday to Friday, 12 PM to 2 PM during Orientation Week
- Price: 350 CZK
- Attendance: optional, but recommended
- Evaluation: neither credits, nor certificate - just fun.
Informal Czech Language Course Organised by ESN MUNI Brno
ESN MUNI Brno at Masaryk University also organises Czech language courses during the semester. They are free for members of ESN. For more information see the website of ESN MUNI Brno.
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Courses for Exchange Students
Courses organised by the Masaryk University Language Centre
The Language Centre at Masaryk University offers various possibilities for learning Czech.
The Czech for Exchange Students is a course for beginners. This course is aimed at foreigners who want to start using basic Czech during their stay in Brno. It is based on communicative activities and exercises to overcome the initial shyness. After finishing this course, students get 2 ECTS and a certificate.
- No placement test
- Price: 2 800 CZK
- Time: multiple groups throughout the week to choose from
- Evaluation: 2 credits + certificate
- Course code: CJV_K_Czes
For more information about Czech language courses, visit the designated section of the Language Centre website.
Courses offered by the Department of Czech for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts
Czech for Erasmus Students is intended for all international students coming through exchange programmes offered by the Centre for International Cooperation.
- Price: 2 400 CZK; in the case of 4 academic hours per week, or 4 450 CZK in the case of 8 academic hours per week. Students who study the Czech language as their main field of study or for whom it is compulsory do not need to pay for it. ISEP direct, TESOL TE and CESP scholarship holders do not need to pay for it either.
- Placement test: compulsory for everyone. After the evaluation of the placement test, you will be divided into groups (Beginners I – Beginners II – Pre-intermediate – Intermediate – Advanced – Very advanced) according to your level.
- Attendance: 75 %, if you want to obtain the credits
- Evaluation: 8 credits (4 credits – grammar, 4 credits – conversation) + certificate. Students of higher levels may add other courses such as stylistics, phonetics, orthography, interpretation of a literary text, creative writing, translation seminars etc.
- Course code: will be given to you only after the evaluation of the placement test. Add the course to the learning agreement without codes.
The Department of Czech for Foreigners at the Faculty of Arts organises various courses and seminars in the Czech language as well as a Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies. For more information, please see the website of the Department of Czech for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts.
Advanced courses at the Faculty of Education
You can also choose from courses organised by the Department of Czech Language and Literature, Faculty of Education. Please note that those courses require a B2 level of Czech and they are taught in the Czech language.
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