Bank Details of MU
The Masaryk University bank account
Komerční banka a.s. Praha, pobočka
Address: Náměstí Svobody 21
Account number: 85636621/0100
IBAN (International Bank Number): CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621
Variable symbol = (The variable symbol is your personal specific number – it is necessary to mention it when making the payment!)
The details you need to fill in when transferring money from your account
Příjemce / Beneficiary:
Číslo účtu příjemce / Ben. account No.: CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621
Jméno, Název / Beneficiary: Masarykova univerzita
Ulice (P.O.BOX) / Address: Žerotínovo nám. 9
Město, PSČ / City, ZIP: Brno, 601 77
Země / Country: Česká Republika
Banka příjemce / Beneficiary's bank: Komerční banka, nám. Svobody 21, Brno, 631 31
Poplatek / Detail of charges: SHA or SLV
Účet pro poplatky / Account No. for charges: (fill in your account number)
Vyplatit šekem / Pay by cheque: NO
Důvod platby/ Poznámky / Details of Payment: (fill in your variable symbol in the following Format: “SUPO VS 777xxxxxxx client's name university login”).
An example: if your name is John Smith and your university login number is 909090 and your variable symbol is 777654321 , you must fill in: “SUPO VS 777654321 John Smith 909090”
Further information you need to fill in is the amount you want to transfer in Czech currency (CZK = Czech crown).