Partner Universities
Aside from contracts with EU universities (through the Erasmus+ scheme), Masaryk University has closed contracts with many universities all around the world. Additionally MU works closely with networks of universities such as Australian-European Network or Mid-America Universities International Network. Thanks to those agreements, international students nominated by their home institutions can study one semester or a full year at Masaryk University and pay no tuition fees for studying in Czech Republic.
If your home institution has an agreement with Masaryk University, contact the exchange coordinator/advisor in the international office of your home university to find out further details about the application process within your university before the nomination is made to MU.
Applications and Visas
Once you are selected from your home institution for the exchange visit at Masaryk University, your coordinator must inform us of your nomination. We will then provide you with all the necessary information concerning the application process for the particular semester.
To apply for an exchange placement at Masaryk University, you will have to go through the following steps:
- 1/ Fill in the online application for nominated students
- 2/ Select courses taught in English
- 3/ Complete all steps in the application process
- 4/ Complete other steps including receiving the student visa, etc.
Other practical details you may find useful to know are also accessible in the International Student Guide or in the Masaryk University Information Sheet in the Downloads section (you will find there information about visas, travel health insurance, the application timeline, etc.).
Fill out our on-line application form available at IS OIS application (choose “Partner universities” cycle, your country and home school).
Exchange applications must include (no hard copies required):
- a letter of motivation to identify the student’s academic goals at MU
- a copy of the photo page of the student’s passport.
- confirmation of English language skills (language certificate or confirmation from home institution). Feel free to use the Masaryk University form for language confirmation. Native speakers of English upload a blank sheet.
- a list of course choices
Please note that the scanned copies of the application, including all the documents mentioned above, have to be uploaded to the MU online application. No hard copies are required.
Online application hints:
- Do not write all in capital letters or all in lower case letters when filling in your name and address.
- Write your first name in the name field, your last name in the surname field and your middle name(s) in the middle name field (exactly as it appears in your passport).
- Write in the e-mail address you will use for your correspondence with us.
- In this application, you can also apply for accommodation in our halls of residence and for participation in Orientation Week.
- Read the terms and conditions at the end of the application form carefully!
Courses taught in English and other foreign languages are listed in the Course Catalogue.
Discuss your selection with your home university coordinator/advisor.
Accepted students will receive a course registration package by e-mail. It will contain information on on-line course registration and further details concerning your studies at Masaryk University including accommodation and students' arrival to Brno.
The course timetable will be known only at the beginning of the semester. If some of your courses happen to overlap or you need to change them, you can adjust your selection within the first two weeks of the semester.
When the application portfolio is completed in the application database, we will:
- Send you the Acceptance Letter (in English) by regular post to the address you give in the on-line application (or to your home institution if agreed).
- Send you Confirmation of Your Student Status (to you) and Confirmation of Your Accommodation in the Czech Republic (to the Czech Embassy to which you will submit your visa application) by regular post (the confirmation will be written in Czech, both parts included in one document). You will need this for your visa application.
- Two months prior to the beginning of semester we will e-mail you with the Masaryk University Information System login and password, and instructions on how to register for courses at MU on-line.
When you receive the visa document from our end you should:
- If you are not a EU citizen submit a student visa application to the embassy of the Czech Republic in your home country. Non- European Union citizens are obliged to be in possession of a student visa at the time of your arrival in the Czech Republic (see further information below).
- Bring the Acceptance Letter to your exchange coordinator/advisor if it is required by them (keep a copy for yourself).
- Register for the courses online through our Information System according to the instructions you received together with the login details to the Information System.
Wait until your tutor (buddy) contacts you and if you wish, make arrangements for him/her to pick you up at the station/airport. If you have not been contacted by the tutor by 14 days before your departure, please contact for assistance.
All international students who are not citizens of member states of the EU are obliged to get a student visa if they plan to study in the Czech Republic. The visa application process might take up to 60 days, therefore you should apply for it as soon as you receive visa document confirming the purpose of stay (written in Czech). Check the website of the Czech Embassy in your country regarding the visa application process (here is a list of Czech Embassies worldwide).