Interfaculty Agreements
Masaryk University students can go on foreign placements in their field also under interfaculty agreements which some MU faculties have with foreign institutions and firms. You can find out about specific possibilities for your field at your faculty.
You can gain a grant from CZS for the foreign placement at these foreign institutions, however the application and selection of students is fully within the competence of the coordinators, or the selection commission in the case of the IFMSA.
Participation Conditions
- The student must be nominated for the study placement by their faculty/department/authorised office /IFMSA.
- The student must be studying in an accredited full-time or combined MU study programme.
- Generally the programme is open for students at bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral level, however some faculties may restrict placements to only certain levels of study.
- The given programme requires of MU students that on completion of their placement they submit an application for recognition of courses/credits from a foreign placement; further information can be found here. Therefore the student must arrange a Training Agreement and on their return apply for recognition of their placement and submit the final documents.
- During the period of the foreign placement the student may not interrupt or end their studies at MU.
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Financial Conditions
- The CZS only provides grants for mobility, where their financing for the given calendar year were agreed in advance with the faculty.
- The amount of the grant is usually 6 to 10 thousand crowns per month. Grants differ depending on the target country and the placement conditions. Grants are paid to nominated students from a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, from a development project for the support of mobility.
- The grant is intended to cover increased expenses for the period of the foreign placement, and it assumes that the remainder will be financed by the student from their own resources.
- The placement may not be financed twice. For one placement you may not draw on an additional grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the European Union (Erasmus+ Europa, Erasmus+ ICM) and similar.
- However should your expenses abroad be disproportionately high, you can request additional financing from other sources, for example the faculty grant fund (which only exists at some faculties). It is however necessary to state that you have been given a grant for mobility support from CZS and its amount.
- The support is usually paid before departure, but for short placements it can be paid after return from the placement and submission of the required documents.
- The application needs to be submitted at the latest by the end of October of the given calendar year unless a later date is agreed.
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Before Departure
- The student is obliged to complete and sign a Training Agreement.
- Procedure when completing the Training Agreement (which can be found in the section Documents):
- Fill in and send to firm institution (a scan is sufficient) where the placement will take part and request confirmation and sending back.
- On behalf of Masaryk University the agreement is to be confirmed by the authorised academic staff member at your faculty/department at MU.
- The correctly signed agreement is then uploaded by the student to the IS MU, while the original/part original is retained by the student, and on completion they may be asked to present it.
- The student records their foreign placement in the IS MU, in the section Personal administration – Personal data. As the programme select “partner institution faculty” and upload the signed Training Agreement.
- Submit the Application for a Grant – the CZS coordinator will provide you with the specific link in the IS. We pay the grant for longer placements most often before the beginning of the placement – for this reason we recommend that you submit the application for the grant with the precise anticipated dates of the start and finish of studies (not the placement) a month or two before departure.
- IFMSA placement: The Application for a Grant is submitted after the return and after recognition of credits for the placement.
- Do not forget to arrange health insurance for the entire period of the placement abroad (if it is not otherwise insured).
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While Abroad
Before completion of the placement the student should make sure that the host institution has issued the confirmation of the placement on the prescribed form.
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After Return
The documents which the student is to send or bring in person to the CZS on completion of the foreign placement (the originals are to stay with the student who must present them on request):
- Confirmation of Placement (which can be found in the section Documents) which is issued by the foreign institution/firm in which the placement takes place, to be sent within 10 days from the end of the foreign placement.
- Final Report from Foreign Study Placement (which can be found in the section Documents) to be sent electronically within 6 weeks of the end of the foreign placement.
IFMSA Placement: The Application for a Grant should be submitted electronically as soon as possible after the end of the placement and recognition of credits for the placement. Students departing up to September submit the application for a grant as soon as possible after their return and the recognition of credits, at the latest by the end of October.
After completion of studies abroad the student must submit an application for recognition of courses/credits from the foreign placement. You can find further information here.
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