Erasmus+ short-term PhD mobilities

Erasmus+ is an exchange programme of the European Union which makes it possible for Masaryk University students to study or carry out a traineeship at a wide range of European universities and institutions.

One of the novelties introduced in the new Erasmus+ programme is the possibility of realising short-term doctoral mobilities as a traineeship placement. Short-term blended mobilities are open to doctoral students who meet the participation conditions of the Erasmus+ programme.  

Study placements can take place only in countries included in the Erasmus+ programme (further only programme countries). These are the following countries:

  • the twenty-seven member states of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden)
  • the countries of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein)
  • also Türkiye, North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland
  • placements in the United Kingdom: All students going on a traineeship in the UK need to get a visa for which they need a Certificate of Sponsorship. If the host institution is unable to provide this certificate, the Erasmus+ programme cannot support the traineeship.

The ERASMUS ID code of Masaryk University is CZ BRNO05

Participation Conditions

The Erasmus+ study placement is open to a student who:

  • is enrolled on an accredited doctoral study programme at MU – full-time, combined or distance forms of studies
  • is a citizen of one of the programme countries or is a citizen of another country but is studying in the programme country in an accredited programme of study, in any year
  • throughout the period of their placement is enrolled in studies at the faculty/department through which the placement was organised, and the studies may not be ended or interrupted.
  • has been selected in a duly announced selection procedure
  • fulfils the Qualification Conditions of the Erasmus+ Programme (which you can find in the Documents section)
  • wishes the study placement to be in their Country of Origin receives the lowest priority during the selection procedure and is given the status of a zero-grant student, i.e. is not entitled to receive the financial support
  • is not travelling to their Country of Residence
  • not studying in the Czech Republic under the Erasmus+ / Erasmus Mundus / Erasmus+ ICM programme

Participation conditions:

  • traineeship can take place only on the basis of a valid Learning Agreement for Traineeship signed between student, the relevant faculty/department of MU and the host institution
  • the duration is min. 5 and max. 30 days 
  • A MU faculty/department can send its students and recent graduates on a short-term doctoral mobility within the activity “traineeships“  to any public organization or private enterprise active on the labour market or in the sphere of education (private or public enterprise on local, regional, or national level; professional association; trade union; research institutes; non-financial organizations; educational centres, etc.) except unauthorized organizations and an organization administering EU programmes. These mobilities can also take place in the context of Horizon Europe funded research projects, in full respect of the principle of no double EU funding of activities. Wherever possible, the traineeships should be an integrated part of the student's study programme. In terms of workload, in principle the participants have to work full time, based on their receiving organisation’s working time.

Repeated departures for mobilities within the Erasmus+ programme:

  • Short-term mobilities within the Erasmus+ programme are added up with study stays and traineeships through other Erasmus programmes (Erasmus+ Europe, Erasmus+ ICM, Erasmus Mundus) when calculating the maximum subsidy in one study cycle.
  • Through Erasmus+ programmes the student can have study stays or traineeships abroad of a total length of a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral).

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Contact us

Before nomination

Gabriela Složilová

tel: +420 549 49 4800

After nomination

Jarmila Strýčková

tel: +420 777 128 340


  • For traineeships for Spring 2025:
    1 January to 15 February 2025
  • (start date from 1 March 2025)
  • For traineeships in the academic year 2025/26:
    1 April to 31 May 2025
  • (start date from 1 September 2025)
Language Preparation

Language Preparation

Documentation and Recognition of Placements

Recognition of Placements

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