• “Five months in the Azores researching local fauna and flora? Who would not want that?”

    “Five months in the Azores researching local fauna and flora? Who would not want that?”

    – Natálie Nádeníčková, Michaela Kubová, students of Faculty of Science


The European Union's Erasmus+ programme enables university students to undertake and traineeship in their field in a European country of a duration between 2 and 12 months. In the Erasmus+ programme graduates can also go on a traineeship

Traineeships are not dependent on an inter-institutional agreement between Masaryk University and a host institution. Students find a host institution on their own. They can also take inspiration from the students' experience with the Erasmus+ programme. Masaryk University provides students on traineeships with a grant of 630 to 750 euros per month, depending on which country they go to.

An Erasmus+ traineeship may take place only in the countries involved in the Erasmus+ programme:

  • EU member states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden
  • countries of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein)
  • also Türkiye, SerbiaNorth MacedoniaSwitzerland, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City
  • placements in the United Kingdom: All students going on a traineeship in the UK need to get a visa. They need a Certificate of Sponsorship. If the host institution is unable to provide this certificate, the Erasmus+ programme cannot support the traineeship. The list of institutions providing the certificate can be found here.

ERASMUS ID code of Masaryk University is CZ BRNO05.

Participation Conditions

To be able to participate in an Erasmus+ traineeship, a student:

  • has to be enrolled in an accredited Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral study programme at Masaryk University – full-time, combined or even distance form of studies
  • has to be a citizen of any programme country or a citizen of another country but studies a programme country in an accredited study programme in any academic year
  • has to be duly registered in a study programme at the sending institution during the traineeship (this does not concern recent graduates). The student can neither interrupt nor terminate their studies at the sending institution before completing the traineeship
  • has to be chosen in an officially announced selection procedure
  • has to meet the Qualification criteria for the Erasmus+ Traineeships (see the section Documents)
  • who wishes the traineeship to take place in their Country of Origin receives the lowest priority during the selection procedure and is given the status of a zero-grant student, i.e. is not entitled to receive financial support
  • cannot take the traineeship in their Country of Residence
  • cannot study in the Czech Republic through the Erasmus+ / Erasmus Mundus / Erasmus+ ICM programme


Traineeship conditions:

  • each student might participate in a traineeship for a maximum period of 12 months in each study cycle (be careful with the long-cycle Master's programmes, see more information in Qualification Criteria, see the section Documents), previous mobilities (study and work stays) in the study cycle count towards this period
    • Despite the possibility of repeated Erasmus+ traineeships, their repetition may be taken into account on the basis of preferences in the selection procedure due to limited financial support allotted by the European Commission.
  • the duration of the traineeship is a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months
    • Since the academic year 2020/2021, it is also possible to carry out an online mobility or a blended mobility (a combination of online and physical mobility). Such mobilities will be recognized into the individual studies. The physical part of the blended mobility must fulfil the requirement of a minimal length as set by the Erasmus+ programme rules (2 months). The length of the physical mobility could be shortened or replaced in full by online mobility only in duly justified cases of force majeure.
    • The duration of the online mobility is not financially supported within the Erasmus+ programme.
  • the condition of a traineeship is not the signing of an inter-institutional agreement, but the traineeship has to be arranged and confirmed in advance
  • the content of the traineeship must be directly related to the field of study at MU, under which the student applies
  • the traineeship must be approved by the department of the field of study that supervises the student's traineeship (by placement guarantor) before the application is submitted and subsequently be recognized – the student has to achieve ECTS credits for the traineeship which have to be noted in the diploma supplement (the traineeship becomes a part of the given study programme; this does not apply for the graduate traineeships)
    • MU students are obliged to apply for recognition of courses/credits from their stay abroad. More information can be found here.
  • the traineeship should take place in any public organization or private enterprise active on the labour market or in the sphere of education (private or public enterprise on local, regional, or national level; professional association; trade union; research institutes; non-financial organizations; educational centres, etc.)
    • ATTENTION, it must be verified that the organization is not funded by EU project money, but only by the country's financial resources
    • unauthorized organizations where a traineeship cannot be entered into:
    • an EU institution and other EU authorities, including specialized agencies
    • an organization administering EU programmes (due to prevention of conflict of interests and/or double financing, such as national agencies)
  • the student has to work full-time in the host institution (common in the host country, 35 hours a week minimum)
  • the main purpose of Erasmus+ traineeships is preparation for future employment. It is not possible to collect data to write a thesis, consult the thesis with experts, write academic papers or work on own research project as part of the traineeship. A student can carry out a traineeship in a research laboratory, participate in research for the host institution and thus learn new methods and procedures. If you are interested in a research traineeship, you can contact the International Relations Office of your faculty. 

Graduate traineeship:

  • the traineeship can take place within 12 months after graduation, the traineeship must be started and completed within this period
  • the student must be an active MU student during the entire selection procedure (until the results of the selection procedure are announced)
  • for the entire duration of the graduate traineeship, the student cannot enrol on further studies within the field of study through which the graduate work is carried out
  • whoever has an interest in a graduate traineeship must determine what manner it will be registered in the country of origin with regard to health insurance a social security

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Gabriela Složilová

tel: +420 549 49 4800

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Jarmila Strýčková

tel: +420 777 128 340


  • Application deadlines 2025:
    Call I: 31 January 2025
  • Call II: 30 April 2025
  • Call III: 31 July 2025
  • Call IV: 31 October 2025
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