Erasmus+ ICM
The Erasmus+ ICM programme allows students to study at universities in Erasmus+ partner countries—a broad selection of countries that are not in the regular Erasmus+ programme. The list of participating universities changes every year depending the evaluation of Masaryk University's application for funding.
Candidates for study at these universities must first undergo a selection procedure at the Centre for International Cooperation, which will then send nominations to the partner universities. Nomination does not in and of itself, however, mean automatic acceptance. The student must also fulfil conditions set by the host university. Because of this, the selection procedure may take longer than those of other programmes.
- Current offer (academic year 2025/2026)
- Participation Conditions
- Financial Conditions
- Application
- Before Departure
- While Abroad
- After Return
Current offer (academic year 2025/2026)
- University of Tirana
- University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of Banja Luka
- University of Mostar
- University of Sarajevo
- University of Tuzla
- Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Reichman University
- University of Haifa
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- University of Prishtina, Hasan Prishtina
Participation Conditions
- A study placement can only take place on the basis of a valid inter-institutional agreement between MU and the foreign university. The length of the study placement is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months.
- Within the Erasmus+ ICM programme Masaryk University currently does not offer traineeships.
- A student is selected in a duly announced selection process and at the time of departure must be enrolled at least in the second year of bachelor’s or five-year master’s studies in a full-time, combined or distance study mode.
- Generally, the programme is open to students of all levels of study at MU, nevertheless, the student has to check which study levels the given university offers. Due to the type of education and study levels covered, it is in case of colleges not possible to fund PhD mobilities at these institutions.
- The student must be capable of studying at the given university (please pay attention to the language of instruction and the range of courses). The host institution may have additional conditions for selected students.
- Throughout the whole period of their mobility, the student must be enrolled at MU and may not end or interrupt these studies.
- A condition for the successful completion of the foreign study placement is to have recognised at least 20 ECTS per semester.
- The student may not take the study placement in their country of origin.
- The programme is not intended for students studying at MU with financial support from the Erasmus+ programme.
From the academic year 2020/2021 it is also possible to carry out an online mobility or a blended mobility (a combination of online and physical mobility). Such mobilities will be recognized into the individual studies.
- physical part of the blended mobility must fulfill the requirement of a minimal length as set by the Erasmus+ programme rules (3 months). The length of the physical mobility could be shortened or replaced in full by online mobility only in duly justified cases of force majeure.
- the duration of the online mobility carried out from home is not financially supported within the Erasmus+ programme. Financial support is given in cases of physical mobility abroad or in case of physical part of the blended mobility.
- the duration of the physical part of the mobility is counted towards the Erasmus+ mobility limit of 12 months within one study cycle. Online and online part of the blended mobility is not counted towards the Erasmus+ mobility limit of 12 months within one study cycle.
Repeated departures for study placements within the Erasmus+ programme
- Study placements within the Erasmus+ ICM programme are added up with study placements and traineeships through other Erasmus programmes (Erasmus+ Europe, Erasmus Mundus) when calculating the maximum subsidy in one study cycle.
- Through Erasmus+ programmes the student can have study placements or traineeships abroad of a total length of a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral). Thus it is possible to complete a 6-month study placement and a 6-month traineeship, or for example a whole 12-month study placement, however, there is always a 12-month limit in one study cycle.
- For long-cycle (for example five-year) master’s programmes the maximum subsidy for a study placement/traineeship is 24 months.
Financial Conditions
- A grant of €700/month.
- In addition to the grant serving as contribution for living expenses, there is a travel allowance where the amount depends on the distance between the home institution and the institution abroad (the maximum being the actual distance, for further information see EU Distance Calculator).
Distance from home institution | Amount in euros |
100–499 km | 180 |
500–1.999 km | 275 |
2.000–2.999 km: | 360 |
3.000–3.999 km: | 530 |
4.000–7.999 km: | 820 |
8.000 km and further: | 1500 |
Grant is paid in two instalments via the MU Information System on the basis of complete documentation as follows:
- 70% of the amount is paid upon arrival at the host institution. The transaction takes place on the basis of a signed Confirmation of Arrival at the host institution, with the relevant boarding pass uploaded to the appropriate section of the application.
- 30% of the total amount is paid on the basis of completed documentation including EU Survey.
Financial Support for Students with Specific Needs
Students with specific needs can apply for increased financial support, provided that before their departure they submit an Application for a Grant for Students with Specific Needs (you can find it in the Documents section). Along with the application you must submit:
- a medical report
- a copy of the ZTP pass (if you have one)
- Erasmus+ programme documents: the signed Learning Agreement
- letter of acceptance in which the host institution confirms the acceptance of the participant for the mobility where it is stated that they understand the health state of the participant
There are three types of application:
- variant I: a simple type of application for up to 3 000 EUR for a foreign trip. Money is provided for example for:
- food (various dietary needs such as for coeliacs and diabetics; it covers the difference in cost between standard diet and these purchases),
- transport (the difference in price between standard travel and the requested enhanced standard transport of the location of the placement and once there during the placement),
- accommodation (the difference in the price of the requested higher standard accommodation as against the normal – e.g. a barrier-free room close to the school),
- medical care (regular consultations abroad, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, etc.),
- specially modified study materials, etc.
- variant II: an application for up to 10 000 EUR for a foreign trip. Money is provided for example for an assistant or for an accompanying person;
- variant III: an application for more than 10 000 EUR for a foreign trip.
The amounts shown are preliminary. The true costs are paid, which have to be evidenced on return from the foreign placement.
You can find the Application for a Grant for Students with Specific Needs in the Documents section. Applications can be submitted at any time during the year. The application must be submitted before departure on a foreign placement as it is not possible to submit an Application and then have it approved retrospectively.
The application is handed to the Masaryk University institutional coordinator for the Erasmus+ programme Violeta Osouchová (, whom you can also consult about the application.
The maximum, and at the same time recommended, number of universities that you can apply to in one call for applications is two universities. The application is submitted electronically through the ISOIS.
The application is made up of the following documents (please always provide all documents in English and in pdf format):
- Curriculum vitae in English mentioning activities related to your studies
- Motivation letter: please always write the motivation letter in English, even if you are to study in another language. It is necessary to submit a separate letter for each university. The motivation letter should tackle following points:
- You mention the correct name and specific department or field where you would like to study (a proof it is not a generic motivation letter)
- You explain what are your reasons (academic, professional and personal), why are you interested in mobility in the given country/region and at the given university
- You mention what are your specific academic aims and objectives for your stay and you specify the topics or activities which you will cover during your stay
- If possible, you mention additional extracurricular activities which underline your motivation to this specific mobility
- Filled and signed the Preliminary study plan (by the student and the department coordinator). The plan includes the courses of the host university in which the student is interested. This list is not yet binding for any study. The form you find in the online application (ISOIS). Students must complete at least 20 ECTS credits per semester abroad.
- A transcript of records for studies at MU in English (you can print it electronically in E-výpisy application in MU Information System or have it issued by the study department of your home faculty).
- Proof of knowledge of the language of instruction (check it here!)
- You must prove the language proficiency at least on B2 level.
- If the university requires English at level C1/C2, it is necessary to prove this with a relevant certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, CPE, etc.)
- To prove English at level B2, aside from the aforementioned certificates (or FCE), you can take the CZS language test (beware, the examination dates usually do not coincide with the Erasmus+ ICM selection process).
- Other possible confirmations of language proficiency: confirmation of English language studies, previous participation in a long-term study placement/traineeship abroad, confirmation from an MU instructor of passing a course at a particular language level (you can use the Language Proficiency Report form in the Documents section), a document on passing a language course/test at a specific level, school-leaving certificate (translated to English) and others.
- Please note that these documents may gain a lower points score than international certificates.
Students of doctoral programmes must also provide (for each university to which they apply):
- Pre-acceptance letter (request it from the host university supervisor or international office, a printscreen of an e-mail is sufficient)
- Research Plan (download a template from the online application)
- The document should introduce a general aim and goals of the intended research, lists expected results and if possible, does specify these items as much as possible.
- Research should be relevant by its content to an academic content of the particular PhD studies.
Among the evaluation criteria in the application are:
- Motivation (max. 40 points)
- Benefit and compatibility (max. 30 points)
- Language skills (max. 20 points)
- Previous experience – first mobility (max. 10 points)
The application is evaluated at Masaryk University and approved by the receiving institution. The Selection Committee then chooses from the applicants with the highest point scores. In some cases, the selection may also consider supplementary criteria (balancing representation of men and women, participants with special needs, etc.).
Before Departure
1. Application Form at Host University
- in some cases, it may be necessary to submit the application into the host university information system
- the student ascertains the deadline and instructions for the sending of applications to the foreign institution, whether the institution requires an official nomination from the departmental coordinator, etc. and sources of information – the website of the host institution
- the student is responsible for the correct completion of the application and its sending in time
2. Acceptance Letter and dates of the mobility
- after processing the application, the host institution will issue an acceptance letter which may be sent either as an official letter or as an email
- the Acceptance letter must contain your name, the name of the host institution and dates of the semester at the host institution – based on this document, the dates of the mobility are set
- if the Letter of Acceptance does not contain precise information about the period of stay, the student must also attach a semester schedule (academic calendar)
- after receiving the document from the host institution, the student uploads it to their ISOIS application; then one more section of the application will appear: Bank Account
3. Learning Agreement
- before departure, the student must fill out an online Learning Agreement in the ISOIS
- the student discusses the Learning Agreement with his/her departmental coordinator (Responsible Person), who suggests the means of study recognition and with their signature confirms that courses completed abroad by students will be recognized after their return
- the Learning Agreement is then approved by the CIC coordinator with their signature and the document is then automatically sent for approval to the host institution
- while abroad the student must gain at least 20 ECTS credits per semester
4. Bank account details
- the student receives the financial support via bank transfer to accounts maintained in EUR only at any bank within the European Union
- the student must enter the bank account in ISOIS – Bank Account section
- the student also enters the bank account in IS MU (IS → Scholarships → Set the account number for receiving the scholarship)
5. Recording your study stay in the IS MU
- under paragraphs 3 and 7 of Rector’s Directive No. 8/2011, the student must record their stay abroad in the MU Information System (IS → Student → During studies → Internships and stays)
- the student must upload the signed Learning Agreement by which the office for studies is informed of his/her mobility
- the student also must properly enrol for the upcoming semester (i.e., the semester the student will be abroad)
6. Visa, insurance, and accommodation
- working together with the CIC and the coordinator at the host university, the student must arrange a visa, flight tickets, accommodation, and other essentials
- from now on, the insurance must also cover risks associated with COVID-19 – if not, it will not be possible to recognize any complications or treatments during the mobility as “force majeure”
- the student uploads the proof of arranged insurance in the ISOIS application (Mobility documents section)
7. Signing the Participant’s Contract
- before departure, the student must come in person to the Centre to sign the Participant’s Contract
- without the Participant’s contract signed by both parties the mobility cannot begin, and the student will not receive the financial support
- before signing the Participant’s contract, the student has a duty:
- to upload documents into the ISOIS application: a proof of arranged insurance
- to enter the bank account number into the IS MU
- to enter the bank account into the ISOIS application
- to make an appointment to sign the Participant’s Contract via the online appointment calendar app in ISOIS
- the CZS coordinator will check all the required documents and generate the Participant’s contract. Afterwards the student will receive by email 2 documents: Application for Financial Support and Participant’s contract. The student will print and sign all the documents and, according to the appointment, come IN PERSON to the CIC and bring hard copies of the documents
- the student should come to sign the Participant’s contract 2–3 weeks before the start of the study stay
While Abroad
1. Confirmation of Study Period and Boarding pass
- upon arrival at the host institution, the student uploads a scan of Confirmation of Arrival signed by the host coordinator, and copy of boarding pass into the ISOIS system (Mobility documents section),
- after uploading both documents, the student receives first instalment of the financial support
2. Changes to Learning Agreement
- if necessary, the student can create Changes to Learning Agreement within the first 5 weeks after the start of the semester at host institution
- the changes are again approved by departmental coordinator, CZS coordinator and coordinator at host university
- the changes are created online at ISOIS
3. Changes of the length of the stay
- if any change of the stay occurs, the student immediately informs the CZS coordinator
4. EU Survey
- the student must complete the online Participant report (EU Survey) for the European Commission
- the request will be sent automatically by email
After Return
1. Confirmation of Study Period
- within 10 days of the end of the mobility, the student must upload the Confirmation of Study Period signed by the host coordinator, into the ISOIS application
- the student also uploads the document into the record of the stay in the IS MU as “Confirmation of Study Period”
2. Transcript of Records
- within 5 weeks of the end of the mobility, the student must upload a Transcript of Records into the ISOIS application
- the student also uploads the document into the record of the stay in the IS MU
3. Completing recording of the stay in IS + recognition of courses
- the student is required to upload into the record of the stay:
- Confirmation of Study Period
- Learning Agreement
- Changes to Learning Agreement (if changes were created)
- Transcript of Records
- then the student submits request for course recognition
- recognition of subjects and credit is completely at the discretion of the individual faculty/department/institute or subject coordinator
- information on the recognition procedure for credits and subjects may be gotten from the foreign studies department/registrar of your faculty
- the rules governing recognition may be found here
4. Boarding pass
- the student uploads the boarding pass of the return journey into the ISOIS application (Mobility documents section)