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In this section you can find information on further possibilities for foreign research placements in programmes that are not directly administered by the CIC, but are also highly useful and interesting.

Visegrad Grant

Students at master’s and doctoral level can get a grant from the International Visegrad Fund in the amount of 2300 euros per semester for study and research placements in the countries of the Visegrad Four and other countries of the region.

You can go on a foreign placement to Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, Serbia, Kosovo and the Ukraine.

You can also complete your entire study programme abroad, since it is possible to gain a Visegrad Grant for up to four semesters. The host university gets a contribution of 1500 euros per semester from the International Visegrad Fund to cover costs associated with the stay of the student.

Applications can be submitted up to 15 March before the academic year in which the placement begins. Further information on applications and the grant conditions can be found on the website Visegrad Grants

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