– Andrea Kakulidu, FSS graduate
Masaryk Distinguished Chair in Israel
The Masaryk Distinguished Chair program in Israel supports research stays of Czech academics, scientists and doctoral students at the host institution Reichman University. The purpose of the stay is to undertake research activities in the fields within the social sciences, including political science, cyber, counter-terrorism, international relations, law, sociology, economics, psychology, media studies and journalism, business, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. Importantly, scholars will be expected to participate in one faculty seminar or open lecture.
Participation Conditions
- All applicants are required to obtain an academic tutor for their research stay at Reichman University before submitting their application. In addition, it is also possible to arrange a tutor from another Israeli institution. It is expected that the academic tutor will be available in Israel for the duration of the applicant's scholarship.
- The stay can take place during the calendar year. The length of the stay abroad is based on the needs of the applicant and his/her research plan. The minimum length is set at 2 weeks; the maximum length is 8 weeks.
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Financial Conditions
- Financial and administrative support is provided directly by Reichman University after the selection of the scholarship holder.
- The scholarship holder will receive a lump sum of $ 500 per week.
- Accommodation is provided free of charge directly by Reichman University.
- One return trip to Israel is fully covered by the program. Reimbursement is based on actual costs. Travel costs include all costs and all means of transport used to travel from the point of departure to the destination and back. The cheapest mode of transport is required.)
- The participant is obliged to take out insurance and pay other travel costs.
- The selection committee has the right to reduce the length of stay according to the budget available to finance the program.
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- The application can only be submitted via the form found in the Documents section.
- The application (including annexes) must be completed in English. The application also includes a letter of recommendation.
- Attachments to the application include: curriculum vitae, selected bibliography of the author, course syllabus or syllabi (in the case of an application for teaching activities), a letter of recommendation and a confirmation from the tutor about the guarantee of residence.
- The minimum length of stay in Israel is set at 2 weeks; the maximum length is 8 weeks. After consultation with his/her tutor, the applicant shall state in his/her application the required date of stay, including an alternative date. The receiving institution (Reichman University) has the right to request a change of deadline, so it is necessary to allow for some flexibility in advance.
- The completed application, including attachments, must be sent electronically to the coordinator's address at CZS.
- The letter of recommendation is sent directly by its author (i.e., not the applicant for residence) to the e-mail address of the CZS coordinator.
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