Records of Study Abroad and Recognition of Courses Taken
Here you’ll find all essential information concerning records of your study abroad and getting the courses you take recognized at MU.
Important norms and documents to do with recording your study abroad and getting MU recognition for your course credit
Also pertinent are directives of the deans of the individual faculties governing the appointment of “authorized representatives” for the faculties (see the references below to the individual faculty websites).
Overview of recognition procedures at individual MU faculties for courses taken abroad and names of authorized representatives at the faculties
For Students
General information on MU recognition of credit for courses taken abroad
MU requires its students to submit a request for the recognition of courses/credit for subjects studied abroad (see Sec. 9, Par. 1 of Rector’s Directorate No. 2/2024 Rules for the Recognition of Credit from Foreign Study and Occupational Stays by Students of Masaryk University) when taking part in academic mobility programs that last 14 days or more.
The administration of mobility programmes at MU
The individual mobility programmes used by MU students (whether administered at MU or elsewhere) may place additional demands on students (including applications to be filled out and financial agreements) that students must also meet.
The individual MU faculties may designate further requirements for students going abroad under various mobility programs.
These requirements beyond Rector’s Directive No. 2/2024 and the Methodological Guidelines of the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation are or may be independent of them.
Individual steps for recording study stays abroad and having the results (course/credits) reorganized
The individual steps for recording your study abroad and getting the results recognized (courses/credits) may be found above according to the type of study (academic study vs. work experience).
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For Students: Recognition of Study Abroad
- If you travel abroad as part of your studies at MU in a program administered by MU or another entity, you must complete and sign a Learning Agreement (LA).
- Submit this document for signature to the authorized representative of the pertinent department/MU faculty/academic discipline. The authorized representative’s signature affirms his or her consent to the choice of courses and indicates that the courses and credits will be recognized. The Learning Agreement must also be sent to the host institution for signature.
- If by your date of departure the authorized representative lacks the information he or she needs to decide on how credit for the courses in the Learning Agreement should be recognized, these boxes may be crossed out and the missing information added later when confirming changes to the Learning Agreement (see below). If necessary, you should help the authorized representative to acquire the information needed to decide how your courses should be recognized and the number of credits to be granted. The Learning Agreement and any changes to it must be completely filled out before submitting the recognition request via the IS. This includes the boxes concerning credit values for courses to be recognized and the method of recognition at MU.
- Record your study abroad in the IS MU (using the Internships and study abroad application in the Student section of the IS MU) and enter the type of stay, mobility program, and institution, along with any other required information. For the contact person, indicate the authorized representative who will sign the LA and also the faculty administrator of your stay abroad (choose from the available options). You should also upload the signed Learning Agreement (signed at least by the authorized representative of MU) into the system (in the IS section labelled Stint-related Documentation).
- How to record your study abroad in the IS may be found in the Documents section.
- For the recognition of courses on a “course-for-course” basis, the documentation must include a confirmation issued by the course instructor. This confirmation must indicate courses in your field of study in the MU catalogue that are recognized (if so required by the authorized representative). This confirmation is provided directly to the authorized representative—it is not part of the IS MU application.
- The authorized representative will record the code of the recognized course in the Learning Agreement.
- If the purpose of the stay is library research, laboratory access, etc., proceed according to the instructions given above (complete information in the Learning Agreement on the objective of the stay and the means of recognition at MU).
- Upon arriving at the host institution, you should finalize your choice of courses and record any changes in the form for changes to the Learning Agreement, which must then be signed once again by the authorized representative of the host institution, you, and the authorized representative of MU, who should indicate how the course will be recognized and the number of credits that will be granted (this column cannot be left empty). Any changes to the Learning Agreement must be made within 30 days of the start of semester at the host institution. Subsequently, you should enter the form for changes to the Learning Agreement in the IS MU application.
- Before leaving the host university, arrange for the issuance of a Confirmation of Studies and a Transcript of Records, as well as any other documents required for your credit/courses to be recognized at MU.
- Upon returning to MU, enter the remaining documents into the records of your stay abroad in IS MU (using the application Internships and study abroad in the Student section of the IS MU)—the Learning Agreement with all signatures, including all changes, the Confirmation of Studies, and the Transcript of Records. The Learning Agreement (LA) with any changes, must be completely filled in before submission, including the boxes for the credit values of recognized courses and the means of recognition at MU.
- Make sure that the date of return from your study abroad shown in the recordkeeping application agrees with that on the Confirmation of Studies.
- Once the required documentation is entered, the application will allow the recognized courses to be entered into IS MU (including the method of recognition, credit values, and marks) and you may request that they be recognized (in the same IS MU application, see the instructions for entering courses in the IS, found in the Documents section). You should enter all successfully completed courses that appear in the Learning Agreement (including any changes) as well as the Transcript of Records, as shown and confirmed in these documents.
- The evaluation and method of completing recognized courses is based upon the evaluation and method of completion at MU (an overview is available here). Types of evaluation and completion that differ from those used at MU may not be entered. In ambiguous instances, contact the authorized representative overseeing your study abroad.
- Subsequently, the administrator/authorized representative/registrar will approve the course recognition application automatically if all the details are in order. If problems are found, you will be contacted by email and asked to eliminate them.
The originals of the Learning Agreement and changes to it, the Confirmation of Studies, and the Transcript of Records may be demanded, so you should be capable of providing them upon request.
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For Students: Recognition of Traineeships
- If you are accepted into a mobility program administered by MU or another entity, you must complete and sign a Training Agreement (TA).
- Submit this document for signature to the authorized representative of the pertinent department/MU faculty/academic discipline. The authorized representative will indicate his or her concurrence with the Training Agreement and indicate the courses (ordinarily from the list below) for which you will be given credit and the number of credits you will be granted upon successful completion of the plan. The Training Agreement must also be signed by the host institution.
- Record your traineeship in the IS MU (using the Internships and study abroad application in the Student section of the IS MU) and enter the signed Training Agreement in IS MU. For the MU contact person, enter the authorized representative of the faculty/department (who will also sign the Training Agreement).
- Upon returning from your traineeship, you must request to have the results of your foreign traineeship recognized. In no event should you enter the course in IS MU on your own—not before you leave, not during your traineeship, not when you return (see below). The course will be recorded in the IS for you when your application for recognition is approved upon your return from abroad.
During your traineeship
- During your traineeship, you will fulfil the objectives set in the Training Agreement.
- Before leaving the host institution, arrange for the issuance and signature of a Confirmation of Placement Period.
- Instructions for entering your stay in the IS, found in the Documents section.
Upon your return
- Submit the Confirmation of Placement Period to the authorized representative of the department/MU faculty. She or he will indicate concurrence with the agreement by signing it and, if the objectives have been met, will confirm the original course list and number of credits. If changes have been made to the Training Agreement, for example to the length of stay, changes to the course list and/or number of credits may occur.
- Upon your return to MU, enter the required documents into the record of your stay in IS MU Internships and study abroad application in the Student section of the IS MU)—the Training Agreement and Confirmation of Placement Period with all signatures.
- Make sure that the date of return abroad shown in the application agrees with that in the Confirmation of Placement Period.
- Once the required documentation is entered, the application will allow the recognized course to be entered into IS MU (the course Traineeship Abroad or its equivalent in the course listings of your field of study, or another corresponding course entered on the Confirmation of Placement Period). It is entered as a new course with the same name as shown on the Confirmation of Placement Period and recognized as a particular course in the faculty catalogue—see the instructions for entering a course in the IS in the Documents section.
- The evaluation and method of completing recognized courses is based upon the evaluation and method of completion at MU (an overview is available here).
- For two-semester traineeships, you should have at least one course (covering the foreign traineeship) recognized per semester. The total credits must correspond to the credit total shown on the Confirmation of Placement Period.
- Subsequently, the administrator/authorized representative/registrar will approve the course recognition application automatically if all the details are in order. If problems are found, you will be contacted by email and asked to eliminate them.
The administrator of the faculty may change the credit value of the recognized course, corresponding to the number of credits granted in the Confirmation of Placement Period, if the course so allows (i.e. if the number of credits is selectable). In other cases, the recognized course will bear the number of credits shown in the MU catalogue.
List of courses entitled Traineeship Abroad at individual faculties (consult registration with the registrar/foreign department of the faculty)
The originals of the Training Agreement and the Confirmation of Placement Period may be demanded, so you should be capable of providing them upon request by the MU faculty.
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Norms and Documents
Norms and documents that govern the recognition foreign study results at MU:
- Also pertinent are directives of the deans of the individual faculties governing the appointment of “authorized representatives” for the faculties (see the references below to the individual faculty websites).
Annexes to the Methodological Directive of the Director of the MU Centre for International Cooperation:
For the Erasmus+ program:
- Learning Agreement for Studies and Changes to It is located in the Documents section—complete the electronic version of the form
- Confirmation of Studies
- Learning Agreement for Traineships_Training Agreement
- Learning Agreement for Traineships_Confirmation on Placement Period
For other programs:
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