Global Staff Mobility

The aim of the Global Staff Mobility programme is to expand staff mobility opportunities outside of the current grant programmes (e.g. Erasmus+). Both academic and non-academic staff of MU can take part in this programme and spend up to 14 days at university in any destination under following conditions:

  • Letter of pre-acceptance issued by the host university
  • Mobility must be relevant for the work area of the applicant
  • Approval by immediate superior

Due to limited financial sources for the programme, CZS prioritise mobilities which correspond to strategic interests for internationalization of MU – universities in the same international alliances as MU, partner universities, universities with high QS Ranking, universities which have existing cooperation (joint degrees, internationalization of study programmes) with MU, or first-time applicants.

Participation conditions

  • The programme operates based on calendar years and follows valid guidelines stated by MU.
  • Academic and non-academic staff working full-time or part-time (excluding staff with a DPČ or DPP - a short-term employment contract) are eligible to take part in this programme. Staff members of all nationalities and from every MU unit are eligible.
  • You may submit only one application for one university within one call.
  • The maximum length of each placement is 14 days including travel, while there is no minimum length.
  • The placement must be at a foreign university; placements at foreign non-academic institutions are not supported.
  • The programme supports mainly teaching placements, training placements, job-shadowing, workshops, cooperation establishment, sharing of experiences and other activities of a similar nature.
    • Research placements and conferences are not supported within this programme.
    • Placements that can be financed through Erasmus+ programme – in this case mainly Eramus+ Europe staff training or Erasmus+ Europe teaching placement. If possible, organise your mobility there (these mobilities also do not require active agreement between MU and the host university).
  • In this programme, no separate grant agreements are signed. By submitting the application, you consent to the terms and conditions of the programme described at this website.

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Contact us

Tereza Ježková

tel: +420 775 892 497


  • Annual deadlines:
    31 January – for placements beginning on or after 1 April
  • 31 April – for placements beginning on or after 1 July
  • 31 July – for placements beginning on or after 1 October (by calendar year’s end at the latest)
  • 31 October – for placements beginning after 1 January of the following year
  • Placements planned after 10 December
    Placements planned after 10 December ought to be consulted with the contact person at the CZS. We cannot authorize, expect for rare occasions, these placements due to the annual financial closing.
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