Erasmus+ Europe
Via the European Union Erasmus+ programme academic staff of Masaryk University can go on two-day to two-month teaching placements at foreign partner university institutions. It is not possible to participate in conferences while on a teaching placement.
It is possible to go on teaching placements to these countries:
- 27 EU member states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
- EEA countries: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway
- Candidate countries: North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye
- from the academic year 2023/2024 Switzerland and the United Kingdom (excluding foreign practitioners)
The administrative and grant agenda related to the Erasmus+ programme is managed by the CZS.
Participation Conditions
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Financial conditions
- The employee is sent on a work trip by the faculty or the relevant economic unit of MU in accordance with the MU Travel Expenses Directive and based on the CZS confirmation of the maximum amount of the grant for teaching mobility. Participants will be governed by the Erasmus+ programme rules as well as the internal MU regulations. These rules can be found in the MU Travel Expenses Directive. Payment of funds (advances and billing) is carried out by the economic department of the relevant faculty/economic unit of MU. The actual costs are reimbursed by the CZS after the trip has been billed.
- Financial support is allocated for the days when teaching takes place and the amount of the grant per day depends on the placement country.
- Days spent travelling are not included in the number of teaching days - they are so-called travel days.
- Without a Participant Grant Agreement signed by all parties and approved funding (i.e. the maximum grant amount for placement expences and travel support) from the CZS, it is not possible to travel and the CZS will not pay for the mobility
- It is strongly recommended to arrange cancellation insurance. Force majeure must be reported to the CZS without delay and associated costs must be documented. Those approved by the grant provider will be reimbursed.
- Employees with special needs can apply for a special grant (contact the CZS immediately after a successful selection process). The application is submitted before the start of the summer and winter semesters and is approved by the steering committee of the Erasmus programme. Receipts must be submitted upon return for all increased costs.
- Placements after 10 December must be consulted in advance with the coordinator at CZS. Because of the financial closure at the end of the calendar year, these placements will not be approved, with a few exceptions.
The maximum possible grant that will be paid from the Erasmus+ programme is the sum of the limits for placement expences and travel support.
The economic department of the relevant faculty/economic unit of MU and the mobility participant will receive the confirmation by e-mail before departure.
1. Placement expenses include the costs of accommodation, allowances, local transport during the placement, cancellation fees, travel insurance and pocket money.
- When calculating the limit, the days in which the participant carries out teaching activities (i.e. usually without weekends and public holidays in the destination country) are included, as well as one day for the trip abroad and one for the return trip, if they need extra days. The approximate amount of the grant can be calculated in advance using the formula of the limit per day according to the destination country multiplied by the number of days.
- For distances over 2,000 km according to the calculator on the European Commission website, the CZS can, on request, allocate a grant for additional days for the journey using an environmentally friendly means of transport (the so-called Green Erasmus).
- Limits on placement expences are available in the Documents section. Reimbursement of costs above the limit must be agreed in advance with the sending faculty (economic unit of MU).
- Meal allowances for individual countries and other annexes to the MU Travel Expenses Directive are listed here.
2. Travel support includes the costs for all means of travel including local transport from the point of departure to the destination and back
- The limit is set according to the distance from Brno to the target city according to the calculator on the European Commission website, in the Documents section.
- When using an environmentally friendly means of transport (bus, train, shared car, bicycle, etc.), the participant can request an increase in the limit for travel expenses, the so-called Green Erasmus. Please request increasing in the limit before departure, when filling in the Mobility Agreement in the ISOIS application form. The employee is entitled to receive the allowance if they prove the use of environmentally friendly transport to travel to the place of the traineeship (environmentally friendly transport must be the main means of transport for each trip – there and back). You can find the amount of travel expenses limits in the Documents section.
3. Online training is possible but not connected with financial support. Still, the Mobility Agreement, Participant Grant Agreement and Confirmation of teaching must be delivered.
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List of Deadlines
The selection procedure for the following academic year is announced annually in the spring (March/April) for the period of placement from August of the current year until the end of August of the following year. The placement has to take place by the end of August (for example, if the participant is selected for the year 2023/2024, the placement has to take place by the end of August 2024). If the placement does not take place, it is NOT transferred to the next academic year.
The exact date of the selection procedure will be communicated to you by your faculty/economic unit (see List of contact persons in the Documents section). The supplementary round can be opened in autumn (October) for the period of January – August.
Placements planned after 10 December must be consulted in advance with the coordinator at CZS. Because of financial closure at the end of the calendar year, these placements will not be approved, with a few exceptions.
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- Teaching placements in the Erasmus+ programme are always bound by inter-institutional agreements closed by the given department with the partner institutions (you can find a summary of agreements here). It is not possible to go to an institution which the home faculty does not have an inter-institutional agreement or to an institution which is not part of Erasmus+.
- Those interested in a teaching placement submit an application electronically by the deadline written, according to information from individual departments/faculties.
- You can find a guide to setting up an online application in the ISOIS system in Administration of Erasmus+ Teaching Placements (in the Documents section).
- The selection process takes place at the department/faculty and is administered by the departmental coordinators, who set the requirements for applicants and the dates for the selection process. The departmental coordinator evaluates each application, i.e. approves, rejects or makes the teacher a reserve. After this the application is approved by the CZS coordinator.
- The number of applications is limited.
- Approved application for an Erasmus+ teaching placement is binding. Any change for the given academic year (i.e. date of the placement, change of host institution or cancelling of placement) must be announced without delay to the CZS coordinator.
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Before Departure
1. Completion and confirmation of the MOBILITY AGREEMENT – at least 6 weeks before departure
- After evaluation application by the faculty and approval of the placement by the CZS it is necessary to prepare the document Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Teaching.
- The teacher individually agrees their teaching programme with the foreign partner.
- The sending and receiving institution will ascertain whether the activity of the guest teacher was part of any study programmes leading to the gaining of a diploma and forming an integral part thereof.
- The Mobility Agreement is signed and confirmed directly in the ISOIS application by three people:
- The teacher: signature of the teacher departing on the Erasmus+ programme.
- The sending institution: signature Erasmus+ departmental coordinator at the department. In the case that the departing academic is the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator at the department, the document is signed by their direct superior.
- The receiving institution: signature of the foreign coordinator, their contact details are completed directly in the ISOIS application in the Receiving Institution - Contact Person section.
- After entering all the signatures of all persons, the participant and the CZS contact person will receive an information e-mail. The standard electronic document signature is not used - it must be signed directly in the ISOIS either by inserting an image with a handwritten signature or by using for example the mouse.
- Upon approval of the Mobility Agreement, the departing employee concludes a participation contract, „Grant Agreement“ with Masaryk University. The document is sent to the mobility participant for signature via the document office in IS MU. The document must first be read and then signed. The Grant Agreement must always be signed before the placement begins. The CZS then confirms the maximum amount of financial support from the Erasmus+ programme by e-mail to the economic department of the sending MU faculty/part of MU and in a copy to the employee.
- If planned changes in the course (shortening, change of means of transport, etc.) before the mobility takes place, the departing employee shall conclude an amendment to the participation contract. The document is sent to the mobility participant for signature again via the Document Office in the IS MU.
- After receiving the confirmation e-mail from the CZS about the financing of the trip from the Erasmus+ programme, the departing person sets up the travel form in INET. The form number can be obtained from the faculty or other economic unit of MU.
- Interruption of the travel form is possible with the consent of the sending faculty/economic unit of MU (negotiated in advance when establishing the travel form).
- Purchase of air tickets, tickets and payment for accommodation is carried out after approval of the travel form by their direct superior. When buying tickets, we recommend taking out cancellation insurance (e.g. for health reasons).
- Documents for accommodation and travel must be provided when billing. In order to be able to reimburse the travel form, at least a document for accommodation or travel must be provided (e.g. it is not possible to drive your own car and be accommodated privately without a document).
- Boarding passes must be attached to the tickets even if only available electronically (must be downloaded from the electronic application, take a screenshot, etc.).
- For delayed connections/flights, proof of the delay must be provided (e.g. take a photo of the notice at the airport, request confirmation of the delay from the carrier, etc.), otherwise it is assumed that the connection was not delayed.
- Additional health insurance: as part of the travel form, every employee receives travel insurance. After completing the travel form in INET, an information card can be printed.
- Allianz insurance company statement on travel insurance for outgoing MU employees in case of COVID-19: ”Travel insurance, in general, will always work for necessary and urgent care and subsequently the insured is always transported back to the Czech Republic and here the care is already covered by statutory insurance. Thus, if someone is diagnosed with COVID abroad, initial help will be provided to them abroad, but as soon as it is possible, they will have to return to the Czech Republic and continue treatment there (or remain abroad without the right to reimbursement of treatment from insurance). Transportation to the Czech Republic would also be covered (there is no difference between this and other diseases). However, in the event that it is a question of paying for care outside hospital, e.g. quarantine even if the employee has no symptoms, they will have to pay themselves for such a stay. It also still applies that the insurance does not cover cases where the insured person travels to places to which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not recommended travel or if they do not respect government calls to return to the Czech Republic and remain abroad.”
- Information concerning COVID-19 and insurance can be found here.
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While Abroad
- During the placement the staff member must adhere to the previously agreed teaching programme and number of teaching days.
- It is the participant’s responsibility to secure Confirmation of the Erasmus+ teaching programme (it is generated in the online application in ISOIS). The Confirmation of the Erasmus+ teaching programme must be issued at the earliest on the day the teaching placement is completed or after its end (but no later than 10 calendar days after the end of teaching). The number of teaching days confirmed by the foreign party should match that specified in the Mobility Agreement.
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After Return
- At the end of the placement, the foreign party provides the Confirmation of Erasmus+ Teaching Programme document (generated in the online application in ISOIS). The confirmation of the Erasmus+ teaching programme must be issued at the earliest on the day the teaching placement is completed or after its end (but no later than 10 calendar days after the end of teaching). The number of teaching days confirmed by the foreign party should match that specified in the Mobility Agreement.
- The Confirmation of Erasmus+ Teaching Programme must contain only data confirming the teaching, and not concerning the travel.
- The foreign party also confirms the number of teaching hours, where the minimum number is always 8.
- The Confirmation of Erasmus+ Teaching Programme should be uploaded to the electronic application in ISOIS within 10 calendar days of the completion of the placement.
- Within 30 calendar days from the end of the mobility, the participant must electronically complete the Final Report in the “Beneficiary Module” European Commission database. The teacher is automatically sent an e-mail prompt for this from the database.
- We ask the placement participant to correctly account for the travel order within 10 working days from the placement’s end. Late delivery may have a negative impact on the reimbursement of Erasmus+ costs.
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Foreign Practitioners
Types of organisations from which practitioners can come:
- Any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth work. These organisations can for example be (working from information published on the DZS (Centre for International Cooperation in Education) website):
- State or private small, medium or large enterprises (including social enterprises),
- Public entities at local, regional or national level,
- Social partners or other representatives of working life including chambers of commerce, guilds/professional associations and trade unions,
- Research institutions,
- Foundations,
- School/school facility/educational centre (at any level from preschool to higher secondary education including vocational education and further adult education),
- Non-profit organisations, associations and NGOs,
- Entities providing professional consultation, expert consultancy and information services.
Mobility of employees from any university or institution which has an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education), including research centres, is not (according to the rules of the Erasmus+ programme) possible in this programme. Foreign teachers should be financed for this purpose by their home institution.
From the academic year 2023/2024, the mobility of practitioners from Switzerland and the UK cannot be funded.
Invited foreign practitioners must be nominated through MU call for the selection of applicants for teaching fellowships for the academic year (1st or 2nd cycle of the Erasmus+ Teaching Fellowship selection procedure). The CZS coordinator announces the call and sends it to the coordinators at the faculties.
The invitation to the practitioner must be discussed with and approved by the CZS coordinator. To secure the correct administration of the placement, it is necessary to agree the placement with the CZS no later than 4 weeks before the planned arrival.
The CZS also reserves the right to reject the given mobility, if it does not fulfil the requirements of the programme or there are not financial means available.
Practical information before departure for the MU contact person arranging the placement of the practitioner:
- Receiving Institution: MU faculty (not CZS).
- Length of placement: min. 2 teaching days, max. 10 teaching days.
- The practitioner is entitled to an EU grant of 119 Euros per one teaching day.
- The grant can be paid only in Euros.
- Travel expenses for the trip to Brno and back are reimbursed up to the maximum limit according to the Limits on Placement Expences and Travel Support (which can be found in the Documents section), in two ways:
- payment of the cost of the air, rail or bus tickets (on the basis of a previously provided copy of the ticket or boarding pass, etc.)
- reimbursement of the amount stated in the documentthe Limits on Placement Expences and Travel Support (which you can find in the Documents section)
- The amount of the travel expenses are calculated according to the distance using a calculator which is available on the European Commission Website. Costs for the journey there and back should fall within the limit set according to the distance from starting point to Brno as calculated by the calculator.
- It is necessary to complete and signed by the MU faculty contact person the document Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility For Training (sent by CZS coordinator) and deliver it as soon as possible to the CZS (no later than 3 weeks before arrival).
- Keep copies of tickets or air tickets with the price, date and destination shown and send by e-mail to the CZS coordinator (no later than 10 working days before the start of the mobility).
- On the basis of all the submitted information the CZS coordinator prepares a Participant Grant Agreement for the practitioner.
Information for during the practitioner’s placement:
- The CZS coordinator will send the MU contact person the Participant Grant Agreement (in two copies), the Request for Reimbursement of Travel Costs document and the commitment number for the cash-desk of the MU Rector’s Office.
- The contact person secures the signature of all agreements and in-person collects with the practitioner the prepared finances from the MU Rectorate cash-desk (it is necessary to know the commitment number and have an ID document proving the identity of the practitioner).
- RMU cash-desk opening hours can be found here.
Information for after the departure of the practitioner:
The contact person from MU is to deliver to the CZS no later than 3 working days after the departure of the practitioner:
- 1× signed original Participant Grant Agreement.
- 1× signed original Contract.
- The document Confirmation of Erasmus Training for Invited Specialists, which is issued and confirmed by the receiving MU workplace MU.
- Expenditure cash voucher from the MU Rectorate cash-desk (original).
- All tickets and air tickets including boarding passes (to Brno and back) to show the true travel costs.
- A completed and signed Request for Reimbursement of Travel Costs document.
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One of the novelties introduced in the new Erasmus+ programme is the possibility of realising short-term blended mobilities, which combine online activity with a short period of physical mobility. Short-term blended mobilities are open to employees who meet the participation conditions of the Erasmus+ programme.
A MU faculty/department can send its academic staff on a short-term blended mobility only if this faculty/department is involved in implementing a specific Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) approved in advance by the national agency in the country of the institution coordinating this BIP.
Participation conditions:
- A teaching mobility can take place only based on a valid inter-institutional agreement between the relevant faculty/department of MU and the host institution. The inter-institutional agreement can only be signed based on a pre-approved application for a grant for a BIP organisation submitted by the coordinating institution.
- The duration of the physical activity is between 5 and 30 days, while that of the virtual activity is not defined (however, it must be carried out).
Financial conditions:
- Financial conditions for BIP mobility are the same as for any other Erasmus+ teaching mobility (Erasmus+ STA).
- Financial support is given in cases of physical mobility abroad. Online mobility is not financially supported within the Erasmus+ programme.
Contact person at CZS: Věra Honzíková
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