University of Kansas

Název instituce/Institution name: University of Kansas
Země/Country: USA

University of Kansas
International Office
English Courses for non-native learners

Přihlašovací process/Application Process: Application Process
Délka pobytu/Lenght of stay: semester/full academic year
Jazykové požadavky/Language requirements: Language requirements
Podporovaná úroveň mobilit/Supported academic level: BA/MA
Vyžadovaný studijní průměr/Minimal required GPA: minimum 2.5 GPA or equivalent  (MU: 2.5 study average)
Další akademické podrobnosti/Further academic details:  
Doporučené obory/Recommended programmes: Applied English Center; Architecture, Design & Planning; Arts (Visual Art, Film Theatre and Dance); Business; Engineering; Journalism & Mass Communications; Liberal Arts (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
This study placement is not recommended for students of MU Faculty of Law.
Studijní katalog/List of courses List of Courses
Mobility omezena pro obory/No mobility for following degrees: Athletic Training, Education, Law, Medicine, Social Welfare
Možnost práce/Job opportunities: Possible for on-campus employment
Ubytování/Accommodation: Housing
Další poplatky/Other fees (orientation week, language course fee, arrival fee, etc.):

Tuition and Course Fees, Technology fee, International Student service fee, Infrastructure fee and campus fee will be covered by Study Abroad and Global Engagement. Campus fees funds access to recreation and fitness centre, on-campus bus systém, library and software resources, health centre and student events. Exchange students will be responsible for housing and meals (unless a Tsuda or ISEP student), KUID card (15 dollars), Orientation fee (235 dollars), ISS check-in fee (40 dollars) and the required health insurance (subject to change but currently 709 dollars per semester). These will be billed after you have arrived on campus and enrolled in your classes.

$5,873 for semester or $11,746 for the academic year - bank statement, bank letter, or scholarship letter.

Poznámky/Other comments:  
Pravděpodobný počet míst/Number of mobility places: 2 per semester
Šance být vybrán na MU/Chance to be selected at MU: limited
Uznávání studia na MU a zkušenosti studentů MU/MU credit recognition steps:

MU course and credit recognition stepsMU student mobility reports

Příspěvek na přijíždějícího studenta za semestr/Incoming student supporting funds a semester: Not mentioned
Stipendium CZS MU/CZS MU scholarship system: Finanční podmínky / Financial Conditions

Kontaktujte nás

Petr Boucník

tel: +420 549 49 6804


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