Universidade de São Paulo

Název instituce/Institution name: Universidade de São Paulo
Země/Country: Brazil
WWW: Universidade de Sao Paulo
International office
Study information
Přihlašovací process/Application Process: Application process (subsection How to apply)
Language requirements: Portuguese B1 level. A few courses offered in English also require level B2 level.
Délka pobytu/Lenght of stay: 1 semester (5 months) up to 4 semesters. Undergraduate research doesn't have a time frame limit.
Podporovaná úroveň mobilit/Supported academic level: BA/MA/PhD
Vyžadovaný studijní průměr/Minimal required GPA: N/A
Další akademické podrobnosti/Further academic details: N/A
Doporučené obory/Recommended programmes: Architecture, Arts & Design, Engineering, Agriculture, Dentistry, Humanities and Law
This study placement is not recommended for students of MU Faculty of Law.
Studijní katalog/List of courses List of Courses
Mobility omezena pro obory/No mobility for following degrees: N/A
Možnost práce/Job opportunities: Not mentioned
Ubytování/Accommodation: Accommodation
Další poplatky/Other fees (orientation week, language course fee, arrival fee, etc.): None
Poznámky/Other comments:

If accepted, the student will receive an Acceptance Letter, which is necessary for them to request the appropriate Student Visa (VITEM IV) at the Brazilian diplomatic representation in their home country.

The university is not allowed to enrol students with a tourist visa!

Pravděpodobný počet míst/Number of mobility places: 8 semesters
Šance být vybrán na MU/Chance to be selected at MU: Very good
Uznávání studia na MU a zkušenosti studentů MU/MU credit recognition steps:

MU course and credit recognition steps /

MU student mobility reports

Příspěvek na přijíždějícího studenta za semestr/Incoming student supporting funds a semester: Not mentioned
Stipendium CZS MU/CZS MU scholarship system: Finanční podmínky / Financial Conditions

Kontaktujte nás

Petr Boucník

tel: +420 549 49 6804

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