The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Země, město/Country, city: Hong Kong, ChinaHung Hom

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
International Office
Application process
List of Courses

Jazykové požadavky na mobilitu/ Language Requirements for Mobility: All nominated exchange students should possess English proficiency of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent although no proof of English proficiency is required for exchange students from partner universities.
Délka pobytu/Lenght of stay: semester/academic year
Podporovaná úroveň mobilit/Supported academic level: bachelor's
Vyžadovaný studijní průměr/Minimal required GPA: No GPA requirement but applications will be subject to academic department's review
Další akademické podrobnosti/Further academic details: some courses may require prerequisites - students will be asked to provide relevant subject syllabi and/or other supporting documents
Doporučené obory/Recommended programmes: Please refer to PolyU website for academic programmes available for exchange students
Mobilita omezena pro obory/No mobility for following degrees: Please refer to PolyU website for academic programmes available for exchange students
Možnost práce/Job opportunities: No, exchange students holding student visa are not permitted to work in Hong Kong.
Ubytování/Accommodation: Exchange students are guaranteed accommodation at the PolyU StudentHalls of Residence for a twin-sharing room. No single room is available. Details can be found here
Poplatky/Fees (orientation week, language course fee, arrival fee, etc.): Information available here – scroll down for fees and expenses.
Poznámky/Other comments: For more details, please visit PolyU website
Pravděpodobný počet míst/Number of mobility places: 1 student per semester/full year (2 semesters)
Šance být vybrán na MU/Chance to be selected at MU: Good
Uznávání studia na MU/MU credit recognition steps: MU course and credit recognition steps
Příspěvek na přijíždějícího studenta za semestr/Incoming student supporting funds a semester: Not mentioned
Stipendium CZS MU/CZS MU scholarship system: Informace o stipendiu / Information on scholarship

Kontaktujte nás

Petr Boucník

tel: +420 549 49 6804

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