Jeju National University

Název instituce/Institution name: Jeju National University
Země/Country: Republic of Korea
WWW: Jeju National University
International Office
Guide for International Students
Přihlašovací process/Application Process:

The required documents list for exchange students:

1. Student Exchange Program Application Form (signed and photo attached)
2. Study Plan
3. Letter of Recommendation (written by a professor of affiliated department)
4. Certificate of Medical Examination (signed and issued by hospital within 3 months)
5. Certificate of Enrollment (officially issued by home university)
6. Official Transcript (officially issued by home university)
7. Copy of Passport (page where photo is printed)
8. Proof of Language Proficiency (English or Korean)
9. 1 digital photo file

Délka pobytu/Lenght of stay: semester/academic year
Jazykové požadavky/Language requirements: Communication skill in English or Korean is advisable.
Podporovaná úroveň mobilit/Supported academic level: BA/MA
Vyžadovaný studijní průměr/Minimal required GPA: 80/100
Další akademické podrobnosti/Further academic details: N/A
Doporučené obory/Recommended programmes: N/A
This study placement is not recommended for students of MU Faculty of Law.
Studijní katalog/List of courses Colleges and departments
Mobility omezena pro obory/No mobility for following degrees: Medicine, Pharmacy, Law
Možnost práce/Job opportunities: No
Ubytování/Accommodation: Housing
Další poplatky/Other fees (orientation week, language course fee, arrival fee, etc.): Alien Registration (30,000 won), Bedding Set (90,000 won), Health Insurance (90,000 won for six months, TBD for 1 year)
Poznámky/Other comments:

Korean language course:

The Korean language course for the exchange students at the Center for International Affairs in Jeju National University is a program to help improve integrated communicative competence aiming at the exchange students who would like to learn Korean language systematically, with a fifteen week intensive Korean language course.

The course comprises two semesters, each beginning in March and September. The learners must take level tests, after which they learn Korean language according to their levels. The levels are Beginner Level 1, Beginner Level 2, Intermediate Level 1, Intermediate Level 2, and Advanced Level.

The lectures are given in a lively atmosphere where the experienced Korean language lecturers use a variety of audio-visual aids.

Also, in addition to learning the Korean language, the students are given the opportunities to understand Korean culture and adapt themselves easily to Korean lifestyle through various culture experience programs.

Exchange students can get 12 credits from Korean language courses. (Vocabulary & Grammars 3, Writing 2, Listening 2, Reading 2, Speaking 2 credits)

Pravděpodobný počet míst/Number of mobility places: 1 student per semester/ full year (2 semesters)
Šance být vybrán na MU/Chance to be selected at MU: Limited
Uznávání studia na MU a zkušenosti studentů MU/MU credit recognition steps: MU course and credit recognition steps / MU student mobility reports                   
Příspěvek na přijíždějícího studenta za semestr/Incoming student supporting funds a semester: Not mentioned
Stipendium CZS MU/CZS MU scholarship system: Finanční podmínky / Financial Conditions

Kontaktujte nás

Petr Boucník

tel: +420 549 49 6804


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